Dukung Aksi Perdamaian Atas Kekerasan di Papua Barat. Jika Anda Peduli atas kemanusiaan Kaum tertindas di Papua barat Mohon Suport di sini: Please donate to the Free West Papua Campaign U.K. Kontribusi anda akan kami melihat ada perubahan terhadap cita-cita rakyat papua barat demi kebebasan dan kemerdekaannya. Peace ( by Voice of Baptist Papua)
Jonathan Cook: Israeli Hostages & the Ceasefire
Consortium News, 7 March 2025
*There is a pressing reason to keep our attention focused on the role of
the Hannibal directive, writes Jonathan Co...
Australia looks to France for SSHNs & Nuke Weapons
Middle power Australia can no longer assume we are protected by the US
nuclear umbrella. In fact Trump's radical shift to Russia is instructive.
In a new...
ETAN is interested in learning the impact of President Trump/ Secretary of
State Rubio's freeze on U.S. foreign aid:
How is it affecting projects in Ti...
Kanaky support Independence of West Papua
Support within Melanesian community is very significant in the
international process on the issue of West Papua.
This was one objective that the West Pa...
PDM-TL's Project Blog is Changing Locations!
As of today, Peace Dividend Marketplace Timor-Leste's project blog,
www.buylocalbuildtimorleste.blogspot.com, is moving to a new web address -
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