“We urge International community to use the opportunity of your visit to Indonesia to call on the Indonesian President to halt all military operations in West Papua and return all military personal to their barracks as a way of easing tension and saving lives. We also urge you to raise with senior Indonesians, the plight of dozens of Papuan prisoners of conscience who were jailed as result of peaceful dissent and urged that West Papua's political status to be resolved”.
Chronology of Thousands of Mass Action Demo in Jayapura, Timika, Manokwari, Wamena, Biak, Merauke, Sorong, Paniai, Nabire and Jakarta State Palace.
Peace Action Demo supports International Lawyears for West Papua (ILWP) conference in London, England on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 are planned to take place throughout Papua safely. Places to go down a peaceful demonstration of Jayapura, Timika, Nabire, Wamena, Manokwari, Biak, Merauke, Sorong, Paniai and the State Palace in Jakarta. In accordance with the reports we received from all over Papua West Papua People that strongly supports the full conference ILWP with their traditional expressions of each. Participants of peaceful demonstrations all the action is almost the same as the number of the action every 3000 people a place of action.
From observation of the West Papua National Committee [KNPB] as the nation's media people of West Papua as well as domestic political responsibility which has been mediating the people to hold peaceful demonstrations to support the ILWP High Level Conference in UK, in all areas of Papua: Jayapura, Timika, Nabire, Wamena, Manokwari, Sorong, Biak, Paniai and the State Palace in Jakarta. KNPB monitor the security apparatus mengamankana peaceful demonstrations with very strict consisting of members of the Police, Papua Police Mobile Brigade and supported by the Indonesian National Army, Kopasus, Detachment 88 and BIN country Indonesia in Papua from start to finish has been moving its members to maintain security and order in during the rally. More>>KNPB REPORT : WEST PAPUA SITUATION NOW
I am Israel
* by Dr. William Nassar, Al- Kateb*
I am Israel.
I came to a land without a people for a people without a land. Those people
who happened to be here, ha...
1 day ago
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