English translation
14 February 2008
Commander of BAIS [Indonesian military intelligence] TNI in Papua, Colonel Bangun P, has restricted the freedom of movement for Sendius Wonda.
Colonel Bangun P hassent a warning to the Head (Bupati) of the Puncak Jaya Regency, Lukas Enembe, via SMS message:
“Mr Bupati, I advise you that your staff member Sendius Wonda must not join the co-ordination meeting of all the Regencies”
The Co-ordination meeting involves all the Regencies from all over Papua and the Vice President of Indonesia Moh Yusuf Kalla.
Sendius Wonda is the author of the book “The sinking of the Melanesian Race”. This book is banned by the Indonesian government Attorney General. Sendius Wonda is the head of a government department in Puncak Jaya regency.
Message from Rev Socratez Sofyan Yoman, President of the Baptist Church in West Papua.
Malay Version Report by Rev Yoman
TNI membatasih kebebasan dan ruang gerak Sendius Wonda pd tgl 14 february 2008 Komandan BAIS TNI Papua, Kolonel Bangun P Menekan Bupati Puncak jaya Lukas Enembe melalui SMS sebagai berikut :
” Papk Bupati, Saya sarankan Stafnya bernama Sendius Wonda tidak usa diikutkan dalam rapat kordininasih para kepala Daerah”
Rapat Kordinasih antara papra Bupati seluruh Papua dan wakil persiden indoensia , Moh,Ysuf Kalla.
Sendius Wonda adalah penulish buku berjuadul “ Tengelamnya Rumpun Melanesia Buku ini dilarang oleh Kejaksaan Pemerintah Indonesia Sendius Wonda adalah kepala bagian pemerintahan Kapupaten Puncak Jaya juga. Socratez Sofyan Yoman,Ketua umum persetujuan Gereja-Gereja Bapaptis.
Benny Wenda
West Papuan independence leader in the United Kingdom & Chair of the Koteka Tribal Assembly
P.O Box.656,Oxford,OX3 3AP England UK
http://www.westpapua.net http://www.infopapua.org/
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