Press Release – Indonesian Solidarity
The Indonesian Vice President Boediono is currently visiting Australia (Perth and Canberra).Media Release
Sydney, 11th March 2011
The Indonesian Vice President Boediono is currently visiting Australia (Perth and Canberra).
Eko Waluyo as program coordinator of Indonesian Solidarity is requesting Mr Boediono that his government should,
•Release West Papuan and Maluccan political prisioners. Human Rights Watch reported in 2010, there are 130 political prisoners.
•Abandon the President’s regulation number 77 of 2007; this regulation especially article 6, paragraph 4 prohibits any display of separatist symbols such as the Morning Star Flag in West Papua.
•Abandon the requirement for a surat jalan (travel permit) to be required by international humanitarian workers, journalists and diplomats to visit West Papua/Papua province. Over the last two years, the Indonesian government also ordered the few humanitarian organizations in West Papua, including the International Commission of the Red Cross, Cordaid and Peace Brigade International, to end their operations in Jayapura and elsewhere. This should be reversed. All these are Suharto-style controls.
•Uphold religious tolerance by protecting minority groups in Indonesia. Meanwhile some high ranking Indonesian polices have colluded with a hardline religious organisation (FPI) to promote intolerance. This is a serious concern for Indonesians and Australians. SOURCE This
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