MORE than 300 Indonesian police and soldiers, together with armoured vehicles, were occupying the West Papuan parliament last night. West Papuan analyst Camellia Webb said as many as 20,000 people took part in an initial rally in Jayapura on Thursday, making it the biggest rally since the fall of Suharto in 1998. About 4000 continued to occupy the parliament building last night. Radio New Zealand reported that up to 50,000 people had taken part in the initial protest. An upper house of tribal leaders, the Papuan People's Assembly (MRP), voted last month to reject Papua's autonomy status, introduced in 2001 after the fall of the Suharto military dictatorship in Jakarta. Meanwhile, the Indonesian government's military campaign to control the rebellious province may have been inadvertently aided by a report from the International Crisis Group, which blamed the resistance movement for a spate of violent incidents, according to a Sydney University study. -------------------------------------------------- Papuans call for vote on self-determination AFP , JAYAPURA, INDONESIA Cursed by plenty THE next trick is to find a way out of Wamena. The only airline with seats available is a company whose track record includes ten crashes and forced landings. Flying can be hazardous anywhere in Indonesia, and the same is at least as true of Papua. If I am to move on quickly, however, I have no choice. SOURCE THE next trick is to find a way out of Wamena. The only airline with seats available is a company whose track record includes ten crashes and forced landings. Flying can be hazardous anywhere in Indonesia, and the same is at least as true of Papua. If I am to move on quickly, however, I have no choice. When the aeroplane does arrive, after a long delay, I quickly learn that the carrier is looking out for the safety of its passengers, at least as far as crash landings on water are concerned. A sign on each seat kindly asks the passenger to refrain from stealing the life vest. ------------------------------------------------------ By KNPB Timika Hundreds of people gathered outside Abepura postal office in the Papua --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Papua -Aksi demo warga Papua menuntut Papua merdeka hingga Kamis (08/07/10) sore ini masih berlangsung di Jayapura. Massa pendemo yang menuntut kemerdekaan Papua ini melakukan long march dari kota Abepura hingga kota Jayapura. Massa juga menolak otonomi khusus yang diberikan oleh pemerintah pusat pada tahun 2001. Mereka membawa spanduk dan pamflet tertuliskan tolak otonomi khusus dan meminta kemerdekaan Papua serta berorasi di DPRD Papua, di kota Jayapura. Hingga sore ini belum ada pihak anggota DPRD Papua yang menemui massa yang telah menduduki DPRD Papua. Akibat aksi demo ini, sebagian besar pertokoan di Jayapura tutup.(Andre Kirwel/Sup) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forces, protesters fill West Papuan parliament
Friday, Jul 09, 2010, Page 4
An upper house of tribal leaders, the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP), voted last month to reject Papua’s autonomous status, introduced in 2001 after the fall of the Suharto military dictatorship in Jakarta.
Witnesses said more than 2,000 Papuans in Jayapura, some of them wearing traditional outfits, marched about 17km from the MRP’s office to the provincial parliament building.Correspondent's diary
Paying a covert visit to Papua's fighters in the forest
Jayapura Photo News: Demanding REFERENDUM for West Papua NO Autonomy.
Jul 9, 2010, 05:09
capital of Jayapura on Thursday morning for a rally to demand a
referendum in West Papua no Autonomy.
Aktivitas DPRD Papua Lumpuh
09/07/2010 14:38
Diantara para pengunjukrasa tampak botol-botol minuman berserakan dan ludah pinang berceceran. Menurut rencana, ratusan pengunjuk rasa akan tetap menduduki kantor DPRD hingga mendapatkan apa yang mereka tuntut. Hingga pukul 15:40 WIT, ratusan pengunjuk rasa masih berorasi di halaman DPRD menuntut agar para wakil rakyat harus bertemu dan mengadakan rapat paripurna.Masih Ada 34 Tahanan Politik di Papua
JAYAPURA--MI: Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM (Kemkumham) Provinsi Papua Nazarudin Bunas mengatakan di wilayahnya hingga kini masih ada 34 orang penghuni lembaga pemasyarakatan yang berstatus tahanan politik atau narapidana politik (Tapol/Napol).
"Kami telah melakukan pendataan di semua Lapas dan rumah tahanan di Papua, lalu hasilnya ditemukan ada 34 orang berstatus tapol/napol, dan hasilnya juga sudah kita kirimkan ke Jakarta," katanya di Jayapura, Jumat (9/7).Tuntut Referendum, Ribuan Massa Nginap di DPRP
Thousand Demonstrators Occupy Papua’s House
Papua autonomy protests challenge Jakarta
Page last updated at 06:55 GMT, Friday, 9 July 2010 07:55 UK
By Karishma Vaswani
BBC News, Jakarta A West Papuan protester paints his face with the banned separatist flag Hundreds of protesters in West Papua have continued their demonstrations rejecting the province's special autonomy status.
The protesters, who camped outside the provincial parliament in Jayapura overnight, say they will not leave until their demands are heard by the government in Jakarta.
Pemerintah bantah otsus Papua gagal
Pemerintah Indonesia membantah otonomi khusus, hak memerintah sendiri lebih luas dari yang diterima sebagian besar provinsi lain, untuk Papua gagal.Source
Pernyataan ini muncul setelah sekitar ribuan orang berdemonstrasi di ibukota Papua Jayapura kemarin, untuk menolak hak otonomi khusus dan meminta referendum dengan opsi pemisahan wilayah dari Indonesia.
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