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Home » » Socrates Yoman rejects police summons; Alleged OPM attack on civilian in Mulia

Socrates Yoman rejects police summons; Alleged OPM attack on civilian in Mulia

Written By Voice Of Baptist Papua on August 10, 2010 | 12:19 AM

Sokrates Tolak Panggilan Polda

Sokrates: Gereja Tidak di Bawah Pemerintah atau Keamanan

Duma Sokrates Sofyan YomanJAYAPURA—Panggilan Polda Papua bernomor B/792/VIII/2010 tertanggal 7 Agustus terhadap Duma Sokrates Sofyan Yoman, terkait pernyataannya yang dinilai memojokkan TNI/Polri soal kasus Puncak Jaya, tidak dipenuhi atau ditolak yang bersangkutan.
Duma Sokrates mengatakan, jangan pernah berpikir bahwa aparat keamanan yaitu TNI/Polri adalah pemilik kebenaran atau segala-galanya. Ini paradigma lama yang tidak relevan lagi dengan era saat ini. “Saya tidak akan pernah hadir untuk memenuhi undangan klarifikasi dari pihak Polda Papua bernomor B/792/VIII/2010 Dit Reskrim Polda Papua tertanggal 7 Agustus 2010,” tegas Ketua Badan Pelayanan Pusat Persekutuan Gereja-Gereha Baptis Papua itu kepada Bintang Papua, kemarin .
Duma Sokrates mengatakan bahwa pernyataan yang disampaikan lewat media Jumat pekan lalu adalah benar, disertai dengan data-data yang akurat tentang keterlibatan aparat keamanan dalam kasus berkepanjagan yang terjadi di Kabupaten Puncak Jaya.
“Pernyataan yang disampaikan oleh saya bukan asal omong, kami mempunyai alasan, data dan pengalaman. Pemerintah dan aparat keamanan salah menilai dan salah mengerti terhadap kami, kami bukan bangsa bodoh, tuli, bisu dan buta,” ingat Yoman.

Gereja, kata Yoman, bukan sub ordinat (bawahan) pemerintah dan aparat keamanan. Gereja baptis Independen, otonom dan mandiri. Dalam prinsip dan roh ini, Gereja Baptis selalu menyuarakan suara kenabian bagi umat tak bersuara dan tertindas. “Kami heran, persitiwa kekerasan yang terjadi sejak tahun 2004 di kabupaten Puncak Jaya tidak pernah berakhir sampai tahun 2010, mengapa aparat keamanan yang mempunyai intelijen tidak berfungsi untuk mendeteksi kelompok-kelompok yang dianggap OPM yang membuat kacau,” tanya duma Yoman.
“Harapan kami, aparat keamanan harus berhenti bersandiwara di Tanah Papua ini, terutama pihak kepolisian tidak pantas memanggil saya, karena saya adalah tuan dan pemilik negeri serta ahli waris tanah ini,” ungkapnya.
Harus berhenti panggil-panggil Orang asli Papua, sarannya, tetapi mari kita hidup bersama secara bermartabat setara dan terhormat. “Jangan terus jadikan umat Tuhan seperti hewan buruan dengan stigma-stigma yang merendahkan martabat umat Tuhan,” tambahnya.
Dikatakan, “Sudah saatnya semua kekerasan dan sandiwara dihentikan, demi keadilan, perdamaian dan HAM,” tandasnya.

Yoman Socrates: Church is not subordinat
e to government or security forces

JAYAPURA: A summons from the police i
n Papua dated 7 August to Sofyan
Yoman , in connection with a statement he made regarding actions of the
army and police in Puncak Jaya will be ignored, he said. Duma Socrates said no one should run away with the idea that th

security forces, namely the TNI/Polri, are purveyors of the truth.This
is the old way of thinking that has no relevance in the present era.

'I will never respond to a summons to give clarifications to the police
in Papua, as demanded in their summons of 7 August 2010.' said the
chairman of the Central Board of the United Baptist Churches in Papua.

Duma Socrates said that the statement he made, as reported in the media
last Friday regarding the involvement of the security forces in the
never-ending problem in the district of Puncak Jaya, along with data
about their involvement is accurate.
'What I was reported to have said is not rubbish. There is good reason
for us to have made that statement, we have the data and we have the
experience. The government and the security forces misrepresent the
situation and they fail to understand us. We are not an ignorant people
who are deaf, dumb and blind,' he said.
The church, he said, is not subordinate to the government and the
security forces. The Baptist Church is independent and autonomous. In
the interest of the sacred spirit, the church will at all times voice
the fate of its people who are voiceless and oppressed.

'We continue to be amazed that the acts of violence that have been
happening since 2004 in Puncak Jaya have continued to this day . Why
have the security forces with all their intelligence agencies not been
able to detect the people alleged to be from the OPM who are causing all
this disruption?'
'What we hope for is that the security forces should end this game that
is going on in the Land of Papua, in particular by the police for its
groundless summons to me, bearing in mind that I am part owner of this
country and one of its legatees.'

He said that the police should stop summoning indigenous Papua. Let's
live together, side by side, as equals, respecting each other.' Dont
treat the creatures of the Lord like hunted animals, stigmatised,
trivialising the people of God,' he said.

He said that the time had come for this game-playing to end, in the
interest of justice, peace and human rights.
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