("The Jakarta Post reports Committe Pertahanan juga telah mendorong pemerintah dan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono untuk mendukung setiap upaya oleh Tentara Nasional Indonesia, atau TNI, untuk Membasmi separatis Papua)"
Indonesia’s House of Representatives has urged
the government to take concrete actions to stem the burgeoning support
for the separatist movement in Papua.
The Jakarta Post reports that the House Commission overseeing defence
has also pushed the government and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
to endorse any efforts by the Indonesian Military, or TNI, to deal with
Papuan separatists.
The deputy chairman of the first Commission says the TNI has a legal mandate to conduct military operations against separatists.
Tubagus Hasanuddin says the House wouldn’t hesitate to give support
for any TNI offensive against the separatist movement in Papua in order
to keep the region integrated with Indonesia.
Meanwhile, the government denies that tension is escalating in Papua.
The Home Minister Gamawan Fauzi claims the government can maintain
peace in Papua while conducting a constructive dialogue with the Papuan
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